
Tuesday 5 November 2013

The frockalypse!

Well frocks seem to have been under represented on the blog of late with Mr Vitamin G and Mr Rimsky pumping out such killer content but with Melbourne cup being run here yesterday its time to talk frocks. The catch phrase for the day is the race that stops the nation, and it really does but as much as its about horses its also about frocks! Yes the Melbourne cup is the day that the ladies get seriously frocked up to the nines, I am talking designer outfits, hats, fascinators and some seriously impractical shoes!

This got me thinking.... What if cup day was the day the zombie virus came to town and the race track was ground zero!! With all those well dressed ladies in tight restrictive dresses, colour blocking, wispy hats that can sometimes impair vision and high heels that keep sinking into the grass, a getaway from a hungry zombie would be near impossible!! Surely they would be the first to go and turn the into fashionable undead!! It would be the frockalypse! 

Myself and Miss Sugar and Spice took advantage of the day to get our frock on, but to be on the safe side of any impending doom we did in the safety of a secure building for our Melbourne cup work event, also to be noted we wore sensible shoes( well kind of).

Get your frock on and don't get bit

Mrs K

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