
Friday, 18 November 2016

Survival run

So I have been trying to keep fit by doing the odd bit of running. It's hard. My lungs feel like fire, my heart seems about to explode and my legs ache. And that's just getting to the end of the driveway. Could they make running any more challenging?

Yes they can.

The 2016 Buckley's Chance survival run is being held this weekend at Mt Warning N.S.W. The same location the Australian Army uses to train soldiers in jungle warfare. The run is a combination of adventure race, ultra-marathon and obstacle course. Basic survival equipment is essential and it looks like you have to make your own backpack as part of the challenge. So this is no stroll in the park.

In fact you have to go through an application process to get on the survival run. A key requirement is having previously completed a 50km plus race or an ultra endurance event. There are also some useful things you should know, like learn to climb trees and that riding cows is prohibited. Oh, don't expect to finish the race.

For the less fit there is the easier option of a 50 km or 25 km off trail run.

Here's wishing them all the best, and hoping the leaches ain't hungry.

Mr Rimsky